Our 100% pure sine wave inverters can efficiently run everyday appliances like coffee machines, speakers, fridges, compressors, microwaves, ovens and even CPAP Machines. The large built-in fans keep the inverter cool to keep your appliances running on those hot days and into Turbo Cooling Mode once the unit reaches 50°C. Keep things quiet when making your morning coffee with the unit's soft-start function.

Low interference Technology allows you to enjoy a clean and powerful AC source free from signal interference that can occur with TVs, audio systems and radio equipment. Don't waste time with inefficient inverters that lose massive amounts of energy converting DC current to AC current. Get the most out of your battery box with a huge ≥90% conversion efficiency.


Lithium batteries provide far greater useable amp hours than their lead-acid counterparts. Unlike lead-acid lithium batteries can be deeply discharged without affecting the cycle life. This means you can use the battery for longer before having to recharge. In comparison, AGM batteries are generally recommended to only be discharged to 50% of their capacity to maximize their cycle life whereas lithium can generally be discharged to 80-90% of the capacity.


While the initial investment of a lithium battery is more than lead-acid the service/cycle life of lithium is far superior. Typically lead-acid batteries have a service life of 300-900 cycles whereas Lithium has a cycle life of  2000+ cycles at a much higher discharge. That being said you would expect to replace your lead acid battery 2 or 3 times in comparison to replacing 1 Lithium battery.

Longer life
Lithium batteries are rated for 2,000 – 5,000 cycles and much more if used carefully, giving you several times the life expectancy of standard lead-acid batteries

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